
Wed, 03/12/2025

New article co-authored by CARE collaborators and directors examines interactions between sleep habits and eating disorders

A new article entitled “Associations between intraindividual variability in weekday-weekend sleep timing and duration and eating disorder pathology” is in press with the April 2025 issue of Eating Behaviors and is currently available online. As the field of research examining the interaction of sleep health and eating disorders expands, this...

Thu, 02/20/2025

CARE's successful mobile phone intervention for eating disorders on college campuses will expand

The BEST-U program, an 11-week treatment underpinned by guided self-help cognitive behavioral therapy, has shown “most participants were fully recovered from their eating disorder” during a pilot program at the University of Kansas.
Wed, 12/18/2024

CARE coordinators present research on assessing eating disorders across gender and weight category, preferred body terminology for college students

CARE project coordinators Anjali Sharma and Emily Like presented findings from their personal research projects at 2024's Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Convention in Philadelphia this November.
Mon, 12/16/2024

Study examines how culture, family and identity shape body image challenges for Hispanic women

Better understanding of eating disorders is necessary to both identification and development of effective treatment, but the Latina demographic has historically been underrepresented in research.
Tue, 11/12/2024

"Body Image" journal publishes article on Latine women's experiences co-authored by CARE researchers

"The themes identified in the current study could inform cultural adaptations for FFBI [fuctionality-focused body image] programs aimed at Latine individuals. Results underscore the need to consider intersectional identities and the need for including culturally nuanced content."
Mon, 11/04/2024

CARE researchers present new findings at Eating Disorders Research Society annual meeting

Upon returning from the international Eating Disorders Research Society conference, members of KU's Center for the Advancement of Research on Eating Behaviors (CARE) reflect on their research progress related to eating disorder diagnosis and treatment, what they learned from their international colleagues, and cultural excursion highlights from their time in Spain.
Wed, 02/14/2024

KU scholars strive to advance racial equity through newly funded research projects

Promoting health equity through a racially inclusive eating disorder screening tool for pregnant and postpartum individuals, deracializing notions of settlement related to houseless encampment and other projects were selected for the 2023 KU Racial Equity Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity Awards.
Thu, 06/15/2023

KU researcher awarded Defense Department funding to study eating disorders in active-duty military

LAWRENCE — A University of Kansas researcher who developed the first screening tool for eating disorders in veterans has been awarded a four-year, $4.2 million grant by the U.S. Department of Defense (DOD) to address eating disorders in active-duty members of the military. ...

Tue, 04/25/2023

New smartphone app helps students with eating disorders at KU, with potential for broader reach

LAWRENCE — Researchers at the University of Kansas are carrying out ongoing clinical trials of a promising new app that’s been shown already to help KU students living with an eating disorder, one of the deadliest mental illnesses. With these encouraging initial results, the Building Healthy Eating and Self-Esteem Together...

Wed, 11/30/2022

NIH funds trial giving AI-powered digital tools to clinicians treating teens for anorexia

Wed, 03/31/2021

Four researchers to receive University Scholarly Achievement Awards

LAWRENCE — Four faculty members at the University of Kansas will receive 2021 University Scholarly Achievement Awards, which recognize significant scholarly or research achievement for scholars in the middle of their careers. ...

Wed, 05/08/2019

KU researchers land grant to develop eating disorder screening tool for military, VA

LAWRENCE — When one thinks of the military, images of elite, highly fit soldiers often come to mind. Conversely, talk of eating disorders generally steers toward undernourished individuals, often young women. However, data has shown that the prevalence of eating disorders in the military is roughly the same as in...

Tue, 04/16/2019

Research Excellence Initiative provides $580,000 to support College researchers

LAWRENCE — Faculty and student research across the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at the University of Kansas received a $580,000 boost from the 2018-2019 Research Excellence Initiative awards. ...

Tue, 12/12/2017

Researchers building app to improve treatment outcomes for eating disorders

Media Contacts

Wulfe Wulfemeyer

Life Span Institute, CARE